Can't a business just have one of their staff clean up blood and other biohazards caused by commercial accidents & workplace accidents?
OSHA Federal Regulation 29CFR1910.1030 states that employees can be placed under no position to be exposed to blood spills or biohazards without first:
- Completing OSHA's strictly enforced blood borne pathogen training.
- Access to and use of proper personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Having a written and OSHA approved blood borne pathogen exposure control plan.
- Employee being provided with legal strategies to remove and store the biohazard waste in properly marked OSHA regulated containers for disposal by a licensed medical waste hauler.
- Having received or have been offered a Hepatitis B vaccine, an exposure evaluation & follow-up appointment.
Failure to comply with these federal regulations can result in fines amounting in the tens-of-thousands of dollars, and can potentially permanently close your business.
Commercial & Industrial accidents can be a traumatizing experience for any business and its employees. Besides the emotional damage caused by blood cleanup after accidents involving co-workers or customers, the cleaning and remediation of blood and other bio matter shouldn't be handled by the business's staff unless properly trained and certified and know the legality of disposing medical waste properly.
Biohazard PRO can remove blood and other bio matter and decontaminate the scene in a timely manner so that production/business can be resume as fast as possible.
Biohazard remediation is regulated by the federal government and requires very careful consideration to rules and regulations set forth by agencies such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Failure to adhere to these laws can result in severe fines and potential imprisonment.
Biohazard PRO will properly establish the contaminated area/s, prevent cross-contamination, remove existing bio matter, decontaminate, and deodorize if necessary. Biohazard PRO only practices the most thorough decontamination procedures because we know how important it is that your home, business, or vehicle is safe.
Crime and trauma scene cleanup services for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Connecticut.